We believe in the future and the opportunities for sustainable value creation,
innovation and collaboration. Our driving force is to find practical solutions for economic, ecological and social sustainability in collaboration with our customers.
Our idea:
INNO-UT is a company specializing in developing sustainable innovations, management and value creation from green resources. Our services are adapted to land use and rural industries. We are looking for partners who dare to think outside the box, who dare to take a step away for the old ways and together with us find profitable and innovative business areas for the future.
Our philosophy:
We are tireless in our pursuit of being the prefered provider of services related to sustainable, innovative and value-creating development. For INNO-UT, sustainability is a natural market adaption and cooperation is an exercise that creates added value for all. We develop our partners and ourselves through technology, networking and innovation.
Our products:
We deliver sustainable development and are a positive driving force creating added value for all our partners.
Our core products are efficient services and prosesses for management, innovation and value creation based om green resources. To help our partners to reach their goal we provide project management and advises on how to finance part of the project externally.
Our field of expertise include land and wildlife management specialized in the Norwegian model, project management, commercialization and innovation.
Egil Håvard Wedul (CEO)
30 years of experience in the field of nature and wildlife management and cooperative organizations.
Educaion: Pre-MSc in Applied Ecology an BA in wildlife management.
Ole Bakmann (Chairman of the board)
25 years of experience with entrepreneurship, innovation and project management.
Education: Cand.mag. Forest and wildlife management.
Ståle Nordgaard (Project manager)
20 years of experience with customer relations, resource management, innovation and entrepreneurship.
Education: Pre-MSc in Applied Ecology, BA in wildlife management, Business and project management.